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Wheelsshop Customer service with a smile


part of JES Group ApS
Klokkerbakken 72
DK-8210 Aarhus V
Denmark / EU
E-mail: mail@wheelsshop.com

Fitting warranty

Use the search function and make sure that your new rims fit the car. - And with a guarantee !
We check everything before your item is shipped. This means that we do not send anything to you that does not fit your car !


We ship in EU - fast & cheap by road and air - and safe to your door

Easy Installation

Free balancing and mounting tires on the rims when you buy rims and tires together. - Just to mount on the car and drive - easy and perfect


We check everything before your item is shipped. This means that we do not send anything to you that does not fit your car !
And if you have paid by credit card, we will never withdraw the amount before your item is shipped.
However, with the exception of order items, as these are only put into production when payment has been received.


Huge selection

We have more than 165,000 products in our web shop - all in stock

And access to more than 10 million different rims and tires in our network.

Alloy Rims
Rims for Car
Tire Sizes

Contact us

part of JES Group ApS
Klokkerbakken 72
DK-8210 Aarhus V
Denmark / EU
    Telephone: (+45) 3313 3313
    09:00 - 17:00 Monday - Friday